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Execute on song change

Rmpc provides on_song_change property in the config file which can be used to run a command whenever the song changes. This can be used for various purposes like showing a desktop notification.

Desktop notification on song change

Assuming you have a notification daemon with support for images like dunst running. All song metadata are available to the script as environment variables. For example $TITLE, $FILE, $DURATION, etc.

  1. Create a script and place it somewhere. For example ~/.config/rmpc/notify. Below is an example of such script. Edit it to your needs or create a new one.

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    # Directory where to store temporary data
    # Ensure the directory is created
    mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR"
    # Where to temporarily store the album art received from rmpc
    # Path to fallback album art if no album art is found by rmpc/mpd
    # Change this to your needs
    # Save album art of the currently playing song to a file
    if ! rmpc albumart --output "$ALBUM_ART_PATH"; then
    # Use default album art if rmpc returns non-zero exit code
    # Send the notification
    notify-send -i "${ALBUM_ART_PATH}" "Now Playing" "$ARTIST - $TITLE"
  2. Make the script executable

    Terminal window
    chmod +x ~/.config/rmpc/notify
  3. In your rmpc’s config.ron specify on_song_change property and point it at location of the script from step 1.

    address: "/tmp/mpd_socket",
    on_song_change: ["~/.config/rmpc/notify"],
  4. Restart rmpc